Privacy is our number one concern.
When you become a member, you can use any name you like.
Your company name, nickname, etc. The only requirement to join is providing an email address so we can respond.
There are many companies that you can use to create another email address if your still not comfortable. Mail.com is one of them.
We will never sell your email address.
Your profile is only accessible by you, even the admin cannot go into your profile.
We do have group rules
If you see someone violating those GROUP RULES, please inform admin right away.
Member Removed
Please understand that some of our members require this type of privacy. Many people who experience paranormal activity also suffer from PTSD, and anxiety disorders. In the event a member harasses, bullies, etc. another member, the offending member will be removed from the group.
Regardless of purchase of the E-Book or not, all access to this website will be denied.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns